One of the biggest cultural mantras that is propagated these days is the simple message: “Just do what makes you happy”.
At face value, this seems like good, simple advice.
It is, however, fundamentally flawed for two main reasons: 1.) we don’t actually know what makes us happy and 2.) when we fail to find happiness in something that “should” make us happy, our search becomes increasingly desperate, much like an addict who unceasingly pursues a higher high.
I don’t intend this as a boastful or prideful statement – but I have lived a ridiculously blessed life. I have a new car that’s paid for. I have a beautiful motorcycle (also paid for). A house and a fully-stocked wood shop. I have the latest & greatest technology. A shiny 16” MacBook Pro. An iPhone. AirPod’s. A wide-screen 4k monitor. I have a fancy title: CEO of a business. I have made an absurd amount of money from said business. I have all the entertainment I could ever want at my disposal. I have tasted all of the best foods: from filet mignon to expensive caviar. And you know what I’ve found? Every single one of those things are things that I once desired. And after obtaining or experiencing them – I found myself still seeking. As my desires were met… my desires increased. It was a never-ending cycle.
All of the things that I “thought” would make me happy, ultimately just left me feeling unsatisfied, and wanting more.
Not too long ago, I landed a massive project of nearly half a million dollars. It was, by far, the biggest project I had landed to that point… and I worked on it for almost a year before I received even a dime.
And I won’t lie… getting that first check was a very high high. I was simultaneously proud, relieved, happy, and excited.
I was responsible with the money (for the most part)… but you know what happened afterwards?
After experiencing that high... I fell into one of the deepest depressions of my life.
I had no motivation… no excitement… and of course… I was still seeking.
It took me getting everything I ever wanted, to realize that none of it actually matters. None of it brought me lasting happiness. Indeed – the ONLY things that have brought me lasting happiness are things of God. My marriage. My friends & family. Reflecting on the amazing capabilities of this temple of a body that God has given me. Experiencing God’s creation, and having awe and wonder at how magnificent our God must be, to have created such complex miracles. Things that didn’t cost me money – but did cost me my life.
What do I mean by that? It means that the person I was… the one who sought after material possessions… and titles, and glory, and the acceptance & envy of others, had to die. I can’t be that person anymore. All of the possessions that I own – take them. The money I make… take it. The comforts that I know… if it means me being separated from my God – you can have those too.
There was a time… not even that long ago, that dreamed of having a sexy sports car. Anybody who knows me, knows I am all for anything snooty and British. So for me, my ultimate dream car was a Jaguar F-Type. I would think about it often. Picturing myself driving down a winding road… blasting some music… revving the engine… pulling it into my driveway, etc. But, as I matured in my faith… all of those thoughts started to become marred. I started to realize, the only reason I wanted this car, wasn’t so much for the experiences it would provide… but because I wanted the envy and attention of other people. I wanted them to think about me in a certain way. I wanted people to see my car, then see me… and know how successful I was. The poor kid, who lived where all of the poor-people lived, grew up and made something of himself.
I’m embarrassed at how late in life it was for me to truly understand that anybody who would value me based off of the car I drove, wasn’t worth my time anyway. Or how when it really came down to it, there wasn’t a single reason I could think of as to why a Christian would need such a car, except to serve his own pride and ego. So it’s funny that now that I can actually afford it… I don’t actually want it. And even if I decided to suppress that, and buy it anyway… I think the revulsion and guilt I would feel having done so, would totally ruin the experience.
The reason I tell this story is simply to reinforce the fact that we generally have no idea what actually makes us happy. We “think” we do.
“Oh, if I could only get this job…”
“If I could only have this car…”
“If I only had a relationship like so and so…”
“If I could only lose this much weight…”
“If I could only ____” fill in the blank.
It is high-time for all of us to realize that, outside of God, there is no lasting happiness. Only temporary, fleeting hits of dopamine, that will ultimately leave us yearning for something more.
The more pressure we put on something to make us happy – the further we fall into manic desperation when it fails.
“Do what makes you happy” would be great advice, if we worded it as “Do what God commands”, because the two are one and the same. But, even that would surely set many up for disappointment – because too many people assume if they are simply obedient to God, that they will enjoy a life of wealth, prosperity, health, and joy. But… those things are never promised. And those aren't things that make us happy.
While I do believe that if we live according to God’s word, it will spare us a lot of unnecessary heartache and pain – it doesn't automatically mean that we will get that job, house, or car. It doesn’t mean that your spouse, parent, or child will be cured from cancer. It doesn’t mean that you will never experience sickness, pain, or grief in your life. Run from anybody who tries to tell you otherwise.
What it does mean however, is that after this tiny, painful blip of a life comes to an end… we get to spend it in eternity with the one who will ultimately provide us a happiness that will never lessen – but will only ever increase.
If tomorrow, you inherit all of Jeff Bezos’ wealth, and could suddenly buy anything and everything you’ve ever wanted… even that would pale in comparison to the joy and happiness that awaits us as Christians.
Indeed, this can be difficult to comprehend. And if you’re like me, a lot of questions get raised.
“How do we even know that God’s word is true?”
“What if you’re wrong? What if it’s all fake?”
“Why should I sacrifice my life here, in hopes of something better?”
“Why is Christianity the right religion? Aren’t all religions basically the same?”
“Can we really believe the Bible?”
I have asked myself all of those questions, and many more – and the reality is… every single time I set out to disprove God, I end up with answers that deepen my faith.
So, my friends… I encourage you. Don’t simply do what makes you happy – because you have no idea what that is. Instead, do what makes you Holy… and genuine, lasting happiness will surely follow.